Homogeneous coordinates

Course Note SLAM (by Cyrill Stachniss)

Jihong Ju on October 1, 2018


  • Used in projective geometry
  • Simpler formulas
  • Points at infinity can be represented with finite coordinate
  • Affine transformation can be represented with a single matrix


The representation x of a geometric object is homogeneous if x and $\lambda x$ represent the same object for $ \lambda x \neq 0 $, i.e. homogeneous coordinates are equivalent up to scale.


Projective transformation:

  • Translation: 3 params
  • Rotationn: 3 params
  • Figid body transformation: 6 params
  • Similarity transformation: 7 params 3 trans + 3 rot + 1 scale
  • Affine transoformation: 12 params 3 trans + 3 rot + 3 scale + 3 sheer


  • Invert a transformation
  • Chaining transoformations via matrix products (not commutative)